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JMP Statistical Discovery 8.0.2 for Linux
Discover dynamic data visualization. Discover things you never expected.
Everyone can relate to "aha" moments -those moments of clarity when, all of a sudden, something makes perfect sense.
Because every day should be filled with those moments, SAS created JMP statistical software.
It's the SAS software designed for dynamic data visualization on the desktop.
Pronounced "jump," its name suggests a leap in interactivity, a leap in a new direction.
Because JMP dynamically links statistics with graphics,
it makes your data accessible in ways you might never have thought possible.
JMP lets you grab your data and make it come alive. JMP has an attitude toward data that is close
personal and intimately interactive. The software has the immediacy of a spreadsheet
but allows you to interact with graphs and not just tables.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine what's possible when you can manipulate the picture at will
changing your viewpoint to identify natural groupings, using colors and markers to show what you find most interesting. JMP allows you to literally see the important patterns of variation that have occurred, no matter how many variables you have.
JMP's first users were primarily scientists and engineers.
That was in 1989.
Today, people who need to understand data of any sort are turning to JMP. In fact, analysts, researchers
scientists and engineers in almost every industry worldwide nowuse JMP, which has interfaces
in English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German and Korean.
JMP users rely on the software's comprehensive visual analysis to interactively explore
visualize and better understand their data, and they use this understanding to inform their
statistical analyses and to be genuinely data-driven.
After all, understanding data is the key to making informed decisions.
JMP runs on Windows, Macintosh and Linux.
The immediacy and responsiveness of JMP come from the fact that it holds all data in memory rather
than having to wait while data is moved from and to disk.
JMP also takes advantage of multithreading, so it works faster on multiprocessor machines.
You can analyze virtually unlimited amounts of data. No matter what size your data is
there is a JMP solution for you.
JMP is often deployed as a standalone desktop tool accessing data stored in many formats.
But when you use JMP in conjunction with other SAS offerings, you experience the best of all worlds:
the robustness of the SAS Enterprise Intelligence Platform the unparalleled depth of SAS Analytics
and the unique visualization capabilities of JMP.
Unexplored data is a missed opportunity, and the seamless integration between JMP and other SAS products
is an opportunity to further leverage your SAS investment.
Opportunity is knocking. Are you answering?
New Platforms
The new Graph Builder platform lets you construct graphs interactively as you explore your
continuous and categorical data.
o Drag and drop to instantly create scatterplots, bar charts, histograms, trend lines, box plots and more.
o Visually compare across grouping levels for insightful analysis.
oPartition data by both continuous and categorical variables to easily see interactions.
The new Choice platform helps you discover consumer preferences so you can tailor the features
of products and services to consumer desires.
o Discover differences in market segments to create targeted offerings.
o Use what you know about consumer preferences to design your study.
o The integrated Profiler helps you understand, visualize and optimize products and services.
o Get utility scores for segmenting/clustering your data.
o Use Firth bias-corrected maximum likelihood estimators.
New additions to the Reliability platform improve your understanding of product and part lifetimes.
Use Fit Life by X to analyze lifetime events for accelerated test data.
Compare different distributions at the same factor level or the same distribution across different factor levels.
Use Life Distribution to find the most suitable distributional model for your time-to-event data
and make predictions.
Weibull, Lognormal, Fréchet, Extreme Value and other distributions are available.
Use Competing Causes analysis to explore failure causes in a system and understand the effects of repair.
Mixture Profiler shows response contours for mixture experiment models,
where three or more factors in the experiment are components in a mixture.
Visualize and optimize response surfaces resulting from mixture experiments.
Integration with SAS
JMP 8 works with SAS 9.1.3 and SAS 9.2.
A new SAS toolbar provides convenient access to SAS features.
See and import data from your local SAS server connection in the Browse SAS Data window and through JSL.
Take stratified random samples (using PROC SURVEYSELECT) when importing data from SAS.
Get SAS results in HTML, PDF or RTF when you submit SAS code.
New data sets created by submitted SAS code are now tracked and imported into JMP automatically.
Get SAS procedure output in the familiar JMP report format.
Flash Output
Export Bubble Plots and Profilers as Adobe Flash animations for use in Web pages, presentations and other documents.
Languages and Currency
JMP 8 handles international character sets with ease.
Use JMP interfaces in English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German and Korean.
Include multiple currency types in a single data table.
Use new Bubble Plot Trail Lines to connect bubble trails for enhanced visualization of change over time.
Contour Plot now has a Color Theme menu.
All Control Charts can now shade zones.
Surface Plot interface has been simplified.
Design of Experiments
Design optimal Choice experiments for analysis in the Choice platform.
Use the new design diagnostics outline node for all JMP designs.
Automatic recalculation
Auto Recalc is now available in more platforms.
Variability and gauge charts
A frequency column option is now available in the Variability launch window.
The Variability platform has a new way to compute variance components using Bayesian estimation.
A new bias report and graph shows the bias by each standard reference value used.
Misclassification probabilities are now available for the Gauge R&R studies.
Specify limits in Gauge R&R.
Get parameter-estimates-type reports in the linearity report.
o Test both the slope and intercept.
o Test the slope to look for linearity issues.
Make variability and standard deviation graphs vertical.
Capability analysis
Goal plots can now draw a defect rate contour and shade Cpk regions.
Interactively change the displayed Cpk threshold using a slider bar.
Points appearing in goal plots now link directly to their respective columns in the original data table.
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