<< MAC Thimbleweed.Park.MacOSX-Razor1911
Category Games
Date 7 years, 11 months
Size 909.59 MB
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Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Thimbleweed.Park.MacOSX-Razor1911
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)                
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Post Description

Game Notes
Welcome to Thimbleweed Park. Population: 80 nutcases.

A haunted hotel, an abandoned circus, a burnt-out pillow factory, a dead body
pixelating under the bridge, toilets that run on vacuum tubes... you've never
visited a place like this before.

Five people with nothing in common have been drawn to this rundown, forgotten
town. They don't know it yet, but they are all deeply connected. And they're
being watched.

* Who is Agent Ray really working for and will she get what they want?
* What does Junior Agent Reyes know about a 20 year old factory fire that
he's not saying?
* Will the ghost, Franklin, get to speak to his daughter again?
* Will Ransome the *Beeping* Clown ever become a decent human being?
* Will aspiring game developer Delores abandon her dreams and stick by her
* And most importantly: how come no one cares about that dead body?

By the end of a long, strange night in Thimbleweed Park, all of this will be
answered -- and you'll question everything you thought you knew.

In a town like Thimbleweed Park, a dead body is the least of your problems.

Key Features:
- From Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick, creators of Monkey Island and Maniac
- A neo-noir mystery set in 1987.
- 5 playable characters who can work together... or get on each other's
- Not a walking simulator!
- Satisfying puzzles intertwined with a twisty-turny story that will stay
with you.
- A vast, bizarre world to explore at your own pace.
- A joke every 2 minutes... guaranteed!* (*Not a guarantee.)
- Casual and Hard modes with varied difficulty.
- English voices with English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish

Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Install Notes
1. Extract RARs
2. Install the game
3. Play the game
4. Have fun!

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--Mijn Spots--

Ik Spot slechts alleen en upload dus niks.

Er is maar 1 echte ThePingPong!
Dat zie id CX3x2g.
Als je dit een andere ID is dan negeren en blacklisten!

Veel plezier van deze Spot! Vind je mijn Spots niks dan heb je lekker pech!

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