<< Android Swype WVGA Stripped (NL en UK dus kleiner)
Swype WVGA Stripped (NL en UK dus kleiner)
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 4.97 MB
Website http://swypeinc.com/
Sender Bartjuh09 (Eyaang)                
Tag Android        
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Omdat ik heel veel apps op mijn HTC Desire wil installeren terwijl hij maar 250mb intern geheugen heeft, zit hij snel vol. Daarom heb ik Swype eens flink aangepakt en er een hoop talen uitgehaald. Mijn installatie was eerst 12mb, nu nog maar 6mb.

De-installeer eerst de vorige versie.
Nadeel: je telefoon verliest alle woorden die je hem hebt aangeleerd
Voordeel: je kan weer 6mb aan apps extra op je telefoon kwijt

Werkt dus voor WVGA (800x480) toestellen, waaronder de HTC Desire en Desire S

What is Swype?
Swype provides a faster and easier way to input text on any screen. With one continuous finger or stylus motion across the screen keyboard, the patented technology enables users to input words faster and easier than other data input methods-at over 40 words per minute. The application is designed to work across a variety of devices such as phones, tablets, game consoles, kiosks, televisions, virtual screens and more.
what is swype?
Simply Trace a Path

The word "quick" was generated from tracing the path shown above in a fraction of a second, by roughly aiming to pass through the letters of the word. A key advantage to Swype is that there is no need to be very accurate, enabling very rapid text entry.

Key features
* Over 40 words per minute on touchscreen devices
* Standard QWERTY layout
* Use a stylus or finger
* Ideal for Smartphones and Tablet PCs
* Multiple languages available
* Supports common editing actions
* Patented
* SDK available now!
* Single Tap Predictive Text for mobile devices

Speed and Accuracy

Swype is faster than existing text entry methods because it has built-in intelligence that does not require users to hit each letter accurately. Also, tracing a smooth, continuous path is much faster than "target-tap-lift-target-tap...". Even novice users can quickly achieve sustained data entry speeds of over 40 words per minute.

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