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P.R. Computer - P.R. Computer
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P.R. Computer – P.R. Computer
Start (2) – SLPM 17797
Vinyl, LP, Album
Modern Classical, Space Rock, Synth-pop
A1 Jól Hangolt Computer (Well Tempered Computer)
A2 Északi Fény (Arctic Light)
A3 Az Inga (The Pendulum)
A4 Hajtóvadászat (Chase)
A5 Androméda (Andromeda)
B1 Helyszíni Bírság (Speeding Ticket)
B2 Rondo (Rondo)
B3 Ultraibolya (Ultraviolet)
B4 Toccata (Toccata)
B5 Impresszió (Impression)
B6 Kaleidoszkóp (Caleidoscope)
Producer – János Kóbor
Synth – Matolcsy Kálmán, Szalay András, Szalay Sándor
This is a fully electronic recording, using the home designed Muzix81 system, taped in 1983.
+ Synclair ZX81, Sinclair Spectrum, IBM personal compute
ttooyyss Jul 09, 2011 (edited about 1 year ago)
Never released entirely on CD, altough it was a relative success at the time, even not only among the synthesizer music-enthusiasts. Pity, it came out a bit late when such a prog-electronic music was simply outdated by the fresh, punchy, superversatile, colourful synthetic new-wavers (the names became history). There's hard to find any more artistic, pure, classical progressive electronic music, than this one. The tracks are written with classical, baroque, a little Bach-ian taste with electro-pop rhythmisation and with ease. Classical trained musician's showcase. Tasteful, nothing kitschy, or cheap. There's only synthesizer featuring during the entire lenght with some snare and kick drums in some tracks. Apart from it all, it's purely electronic. Interesting addendum: The members of P.R. Computer (ex-Pantha Rhei), were developed the MUZIX-computer system. It was based on the ZX-81 personal computer but with the special hardware add-ons. 3 Hardware options were exist: 1- Sequencer: with the song-writing program you could drive some analog synthesizers through the digital to CV/gate-out converters. 2- Sampler! It was a flexible, graphics-design, 8-bit sampler VERY much ahead of the time while there was only the Fairlight (for ca. 80 000 USD, and Emulator for ca. 18 000 USD around and the incredible expensive Synclavier sampling option offered more or less the same features forten thousands of USD). 3- Digital effectprocessor. Virtually almost all the electronic-based pop-music in Hungary were made with the help of these systems even till much after the MIDI (sequencing) were invented. These infos are not to be forgotten, because there's nothing left about these ultrarare machines! Digital and analog? Best of both wordls: Crispy-precisely sequenced tracks due to the computer-driven sequencer. The accuracy you could never achieve with any analog sequencers of RC-oscillators (despite of the belief of some analog purists). Yet analog only synthesizers are present as: Moog IIIc, Korg PS-3200, ARP-2600...
Voor de liefhebbers/verzamelaars van space/synthesizer/ambient/electronic music.
Hongaarse synthesizer muziek uit 1983. Met behulp van de Sinclair ZX 81 gemaakt. Dat was mijn eerste computer met een uitbreidingsmodule van wel 16 Kram !!!!!
Enjoy !!! Groet van de Nachtuil.
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