<< DivX The Wedding Arrangement 2022 WEBRip x264-LAMA
The Wedding Arrangement 2022 WEBRip x264-LAMA
Category Image
Date 1 year, 10 months
Size 944.31 MB
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Sender Bart (87Mlew)                
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Post Description

When talented botanist Violet needs help preparing flower arrangements for a high-profile wedding, she calls upon Jack, a handsome nature photographer who has taken over responsibility for his grandfather’s flower shed. As they discover that they share an interest in the mysterious and elusive Youtan flower, can they ensure the wedding is a success while allowing their mutual passion for discovery and adventure to bloom once again, and find love in the process?Make sure you are using the latest SpotNet classic, SABnzbd,  or NZBGet. If you still using SpotNet 2.0 go kill your self. no seriously. Spotnet 2.0 is very old software. SpotNet Classic is much newer. Maybe a little less sexy but it does have the latest SABnzbd. Then you do not have to enter passwords and the unpacking almost always goes well. 

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