<< WIN Men of War: Condemned Heroes Proper Crack
Men of War: Condemned Heroes Proper Crack
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 10.34 MB
Website http://www.menofwargame.com/games/condemnedheroes
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Post Description


SRs crack suffer from self-inflicted performance issues, the technical
reasons of which we will not go into here. The time taken from clicking game
icon until main menu is reached and time to load a mission for instance.
When comparing on our systems the time difference was 5-10 seconds and
15-20 seconds in favor of our higher performance crack. There is also a
quite noticable difference in FPS performance.

1. Unrar this crackfix into the <install> dir of the game.
2. Play the game.
3. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!

omdat mijn bekende poster deze nog niet heeft gepost
heb nu zelf deze gepost

ook deze is virusvrij

krijg toch melding van virus dan is dat false possitives

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