<< WIN Zan Image Printer v5.0.16
Zan Image Printer v5.0.16
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
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Post Description

Zan Image Printer is installed as a virtual printer driver that allows you to convert printable documents from any application which supports printing into a standard BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PDF, TIFF, or PNG image. The converted image retains all of the information from the original file and can be easily shared and viewed without the need for the original software. Zan Image Printer was developed in response to our user's needs and feedback. It is the most advanced and capable virtual image printer driver on the market today.

Key features of Zan Image Printer include:

. Print to Image - convert any document to a PDF file for easy sharing, a TIFF file for easy faxing, or any other image format (BMP, GIF, JPEG,JPEG 2000, and PNG).
. Print to Email - Email the printout completely automatically after the image is created. Saving you many steps including . . . having to first print/save, remembering where you saved the files, entering, and sending the Email.
. Print to Text - extract text from any printable document.
. Printer Redirection - redirect the print job to physical printers after the image is generated.
. Watermark / Text Annotation - watermark an image with a text string, a BMP image, or both.
. Image Processing - trim, crop, scale, invert, rotate, and flip images after they are generated.
. Macros - dynamic file and folder generation based on macros.
. FTP - upload generated files to an FTP server.
. Run user-specified applications after printing finishes.
. History folder and file name database.
. Informative transparent status dialog.
. Batch printing and conversion without user intervention (silent printing).
. And much more! Read on for full details.

Powerful, easy to use features packed into a small download
Zan Image Printer 5.0 is small. The download size is only 4.2MB, but it contains both 64-bit (x64) and 32-bit (x86) drivers.
While Zan Image Printer is packed with a wide range of powerful features, it is easy to set up, use, and configure.
The clean, simple, and intuitive user interface enables you to print to an image file with just a few clicks! Printing with Zan Image Printer is just as easy as using a regular printer. If you can print to a paper-based printer, you can print with Zan Image Printer!

Multiple printer instances, multi-threaded printing, multiple user sessions
You can install multiple copies of Zan Image Printer on your computer, each with its own unique settings. This is a time saver because you can switch between different printer settings easily.
Zan Image Printer is multi-user aware with flexible setting configurations. By default, all users share the same settings when printing using Zan Image Printer. This is appropriate in most multi-user scenarios. However, you can also configure Zan Image Printer so that users can have their own printer settings.
If you are printing large quantities of documents, you can even load balance print jobs across multiple Zan Image Printer instances for faster performance.

Support for running as an unprivileged "normal" user
To print to Zan Image Printer, a user does not need to be member of the power users group or the admin group, which improves the security of the system. This makes it easy to deploy Zan Image Printer in security-conscious network environments.

Print to TIFF image
TIFF formats include 1 bit per pixel (monochrome),grayscale, 256 color, and 24-bit true color. Compression methods include CCITT Group 3 (1D Modified Huffman - MH, 2D Modified READ - MR), CCITT Group 4 (Modified Modified READ - MMR), Packbits (RLE), Deflate (Zip), LZW, JPEG, and uncompressed. Support for multi-page, serialized, and appending mode is included. The appending mode allows you to build a multi-page TIFF file by concatenating and merging pages from different printouts. A multi-page TIFF file can even contain pages from different document types.
Zan Image Printer can also be set up to create fax-ready files (TIFF Class F facsimile and Cisco TIFF). With this capability, nearly anything that can be printed can be used in a fax application.

Print to JPEG image
Zan Image Printer supports saving documents as true color and grayscale JPEG files at a user-selectable quality factor, which is good for photographic or scanned images.

Print to PDF file
You can easily convert any document to a PDF file. The "Append to existing file" option allows you to combine and merge multiple documents into a single PDF file. For example, you can create a single PDF file whose first page was printed from Microsoft Word, the second from Internet Explorer, and the last from Microsoft Excel.

Print to BMP image
File formats include monochrome, grayscale, 256 color, and 24-bit true color. RLE8 compression is supported for grayscale and 256 color images.

Print to GIF
You can save as monochrome, grayscale, or 256 color GIF file. GIF is widely used on the Web and is best for images with only a few colors and sharp edges.

Print to PNG
PNG is a universal format and is supported by all modern browsers. Zan Image Printer supports monochrome, grayscale, 256 color, and 24-bit true color PNG formats. Choose PNG when you want to use the image for screenshots in Windows or general web graphics.

Print to JPEG 2000
JPEG 2000 is the new and improved image compression method that replaces JPEG files. It can operate at higher compression ratios, which means smaller files for you.

Print to Email driver - Automatically Email the printout after creation using DNS MX LOOKUP/MAPI/SMTP
Zan Image Printer provides a powerful built-in "Print to Email" function and makes it easy to instantly send files non-interactively after printing them using a variety of configuration methods to match every need. The easiest methods of configuring Email are the Extended MAPI method (included with Microsoft Outlook) or the DNS MX LOOKUP method, which makes sending Emails easy because you do not need to enter information about your SMTP server (or even know what an SMTP server is).

Printing to Zan Image Printer using the "Send through SMTP server" method, allows you to send Emails through your hosting provider or free Email services like Google's Gmail service. This allows you to send Emails to any Email address from any networked computer without having a traditional Email program (like Thunderbird or Outlook) installed.

Zan Image Printer can even search the document being printed for an Email address, extract it from the text, and then automatically send the Email to that address.

You can Email the generated files as standard images or as a ZIP file attachment to save bandwidth and make delivery easier and more reliable.

Print to text file, text extraction
This feature lets you extract text from any printable document and save the text to a separate text file either in addition to or instead of creating the image file. By saving your documents to a text file, you can easily index andsearch all of your documents that could not be searched previously.

BMP watermarks and text annotation
This gives you the ability to watermark and copyright generated images. You can mark your document with text strings, which can include user-defined text, the filename, the Bates Number and many other macros. You can also create and select your own custom BMP graphic to be used as a watermark. Zan Image Printer even allows you to use bitmaps with transparency and define the opacity of the watermark.

Printer redirection
The print job can be redirected to physical printers after the image is generated. This allows you to have both a hard copy and electronic copy of all original documents, or it allows you to store a record of all documents that are printed out.

Simple, easy to learn programming interface
Zan Image Printer is extremely flexible and customizable to allowyou to take full advantage of the robust functionality. All options presented in the user interface can be controlled programmatically. You can also easily create a custom installation to deploy Zan Image Printer to clients and customers.
Two programming models are available to you. Use the Win32 APIs to access and update the INI setting files directly, or simply call the provided command line utilities from within your application. The documentation includes numerous VBScript, VB, Delphi, C/C++, VC.NET/CLI, VB.NET, and C# code samples to help you get started quickly!
By using the provided command line utilities, you can perform batch document conversion (e.g., Word, Excel, or HTML files to image), automate batch printing with a script file, and watch a folder and its subfolders for new documents and automatically print them as images as they appear.

Paper size
All standard paper sizes (A4, Letter, Legal, Ledger, Tabloid, A0, etc.) are supported. In addition, Zan Image Printer allows you to create user-defined paper sizes. Printing on a large paper size can be done in seconds when printing in B

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