<< x264HD Severe Space "Weather" events
Severe Space "Weather" events
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
GenreTrue story
Date 2 years, 2 months
Size 329.66 MB
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Severe Space "Weather" events
Lecture 2009
Ph.D Paul A laViolette

Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D., is president of the Starburst Foundation, an
interdisciplinary research institute, and holds advanced degrees in systems
science and physics. The author of Genesis of the Cosmos, Earth Under Fire,
Decoding the Message of the Pulsars, Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion,
and Subquantum Kinetics

The different theories for Mass extinction discussed
Galactic Super waves from the Galactic center
Particle showers, solar proton events due solar flares
Ice core analysis indicating solar proton events, since the protons knocking down elements in the atmosphere
creating acids
Ice core analysis indication High amounts of irridium only found in cosmic dust
Cosmic Dust coming from the sun is catched/trapped by our magnetosphere and lies as a spherical Dust sheet round earth
Solar flares escaping through earths magnetospere "dumps" this Dust to earth
Sudden Cooling of the earth explained
"Heinrich events" rocky material debris is dumped"at locations where it should not be"
"Drumlets" formed by high velocity running water (the scablands"Washington)
Avebury Manor cropcircle 2008
Project "Skyvault"
Negative refractive Index Target Materials

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