<< NDS 3001 t/m 3100 nds spellen volgens offlinelist nds
3001 t/m 3100 nds spellen volgens offlinelist nds
This spot is not verified, the name of the sender has not been confirmed
Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 5 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=d4d.cc+crewpost+by+galatea1986+nds3100+-%3Dd4d.cc%3D-
Sender galatea1986
Tag d4dcc        
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Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

Talen : (J) = Japans.
(E) = Europees. Dit betekent dat de rom vaak de volgende talen bevat: Duits,
Spaans, Frans, Engels en Italiaans.
(U) = Verenigde Staten.
(NL) = Nederlands.
(S) = Spaans.
(F) = Frans.
(K) = Koreaans.
(G) = Duits.
(I) = Italiaans.
M5 en M6 zijn de aantal talen en hier hit dan soms ook nederlands bij.

3001 Madagascar 2 (NL)
3002 National Geographic - Panda (US)(M2)
3003 Tomb Raider - Underworld (EU)(M3)
3004 Shrek's Carnival Craze - Party Games (EU)(M6)
3005 Tony Hawk's Motion (EU)
3006 Quiz Magic Academy DS (JP)
3007 Chikyuu no Arukikata DS - Seoul Busan 07-08 (JP)
3008 DS_Style_Series_Chikyuu_no_Arukikata_DS_Seoul_Busan_JPN
3009 Army_Men_Soldiers_of_Misfortune_USA
3010 Avatar_The_Last_Airbender_Into_The_Inferno_USA
3011 Bratz_Kidz_USA
3012 Dora_The_Explorer_Dora_Saves_The_Snow_Princess_USA
3013 futureU_The_Prep_Game_For_SAT_USA
3014 Iron_Chef_America_Supreme_Cuisine_USA
3015 Need_For_Speed_Undercover_USA
3016 Pass_The_Pigs_USA
3017 Sallys_Salon_USA
3018 Winx_Club_Mission_Enchantix_USA
3019 Zoo_Vet_Endangered_Animals_USA
3020 Minna_de_Flash_Anzan_DS_JPN
3021 Gakken_M_Bunko_Presents_Monoshiri_Edo_Meijin_JPN
3022 Suku_Suku_Kosodate_DS_Akachan_to_Asobou_JPN
3023 Anpanman_to_Asobo_ABC_Kyoushitsu_JPN
3024 Fushigi_Kagaku_Nazotoki_Quiz_Training_Nazotore_JPN
3025 Tokutei_Metabo_Juku_JPN
3026 Kuukan_Zukei_Hirameki_Training_Kuutore_JPN
3027 Tsuduke_Rarenai_Otona_no_Tame_no_Metabo_Dasshutsu_Training_JPN
3028 Nippon_Shuzan_Renmei_Kanshuu_Itsudemo_Soroban_DS_JPN
3029 Panpaka_Panyasan_JPN
3030 Kuwagata_Tsumami_Kuttsuke_Tsumami_Bako_JPN
3031 DS_Youji_no_Nou_Tore_JPN
3032 Pururun_Shizukuchan_Aha_DS_Drill_Kokugo_JPN
3033 Sanrio_no_Party_e_Ikou_Oryouri_Oshare_Okaimono_JPN
3034 Watashi_no_Pony_JPN
3035 Garfields_Fun_Fest_USA
3036 Margots_Word_Brain_USA
3037 FIFA.09.KOR
3038 New_Unou_Kids_DS_JPN
3039 Rhythm_de_Dooking_JPN
3040 Zero_Kara_Hajimeru_Otona_no_5_Kakokugo_Nyuumon_JPN
3041 Meine_Tierarztpraxis_in_Australien_GER
3042 Riding_Academy_EUR
3043 My_Own_Pet_Shelter_EUR
3044 - Moto Racer DS (EU)
3045 - Monsterlab (EU)
3046 - 101-in-1 Explosive Megamix (EU)
3047 - 1000 Bornes (FR)
3048 - The Legend of Spyro: Dawn Of The Dragon (EU)
3049 - Layton Kyouju to Saigo no Jika Ryokou (J)
3050 - Age Of Empires: Mythologies (US)
3051 - Clever Kids Farmyard Fun (EU)
3052 - Clever Kids Pirates (EU)
3053 - Weekend Miljonairs 2e Editie (EU)
3054 - Disney Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force (US)
3055 - Chrono Trigger (US)
3056 - Kaite Oboeru Dora Gana (J)
3057 - Tamagotchi Kira Kira Omisecchi (J)
3058 - Barbie Mode Show: Gevoel Voor Stijl (EU)
3059 - Hello Kitty Daily (EU)
3060 - Hotel Giant DS (EU)
3061 - Ninjatown (EU)
3062 - Peppa Pig (EU)
3063 - Petz: My Puppy Family (EU)
3064 - Red de Aarde: Bescherm dieren in nood (EU)
3065 - Red de Aarde: Bescherm het eiland (EU)
3066 - Red de Aarde: Bescherm de oceaan (EU)
3067 - Keiki J.B. Harold Jikenbo : Manhattan Requiem & Kiss of Murder (J)
3068 - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kizuna: Dai-ni-Kan: Sou (J)
3069 - Simple DS Series Vol.45: THE Misshitsu kara no Dasshutsu 2 (J)
3070 - TOEIC DS - Haru 10-Bun Yakjeomgeukbog +200 (K)
3071 - Barbie Paardenavonturen: Het paardrijkamp (EU)
3072 - Dragon Ball Origins (EU)
3073 - Hollands Supermodel: Win de Strijd op de Catwalk! (NL)
3074 - Hello Kitty Daily (FRA)
3075 - Real Stories Vétérinaire (FRA)
3076 - Real Stories Mission Équitation (FRA)
3077 - Real Stories Babies (FRA)
3078 - Des Chiffres et des Lettres (FRA)
3079 - Nadia Mega Fun Land (EU)
3080 - Cosmetic Paradise (EU)
3081 - My Boyfriend (EU)
3082 - Love Fashion and Friends (EU)
3083 - Kirikou and the Wild Beasts (EU)
3084 - Sushi Academy (EU)
3085 - Tecktonik World Tour (EU)
3086 - Music Monstars *REPACK* (EU)
3087 - Petz: Dogz Pack (US)
3088 - Hello Kitty: Big City Dreams (EU)
3089 - Professor Heinz Wolffs Gravity (EU)
3090 - The Conveni DS Otona no Keieiryoku Training (J)

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