<< WAV Viotti - Concertos pour violin n°19 & 22 (1995)
Viotti - Concertos pour violin n°19 & 22 (1995)
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 6 months
Size 268.49 MB
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The Violin Concerto No. 19 in G minor is a splendid work that was written in Paris when Viotti had built up a fine reputation and was well settled into Patrisian life. It opens with a beautiful orchestral theme, which is taken up by the solo violin. The theme skips effortlessly taking the listener merrily along with it. The Adagio maintains this theme only quieter and the solo violin (admirably played by Rainer Kussmaul) leads us wonderfully with themes like a slow, twisting swallow in flight. Brilliant stuff. The Presto bursts into gleeful life and there is a new musical urgency although never at great pace. The orchestral backing occasionally surges into symphonic grandeur but never too over-stated.

The Violin Concerto No. 22 in A minor was written in Viotti's early years in London when times for him were more unsettled. It is overall a more passionate affair and starts with another excellent orchestral theme, which is richer in instrumentation and with a greater symphonic scale. The violin solo is both masterful and technical with greater edge. This might reflect the turmoil in Viotti's life at that time. The Adagio brings a change in mood and Viotti returns to a more blissful and musical happiness. However, the violin solo remains sorrowful with occasional solemn and hymn-like qualities. The Agitato assai has a lively dance impetus and the solo treats us to a virtuoso mode of sparkling violin work.

Overall, both these works are truely brilliant and why they are not better known or played I cannot understand. The recording is excellent throughout and up to the normal CPO high standard. THOROUGHLY AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

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