<< WinPh Dopey's iPhone Apps Flood 03-22-10
Dopey's iPhone Apps Flood 03-22-10
This spot is not verified, the name of the sender has not been confirmed
Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://iphoneclub.nl
Sender DaDude1973
Tag iphone DaDude1973_spots Dopey        
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

!Gepost in a.b.warez.smartphone!

Pack 1:
-A PictoGrid 1.0-watson
-AbstractWar 2.3-Lning
-Adventure Zones 1.0.3-Lz0PDA
-Air Thermometer 1.0.1-watson
-Armored Warfare 1.0.9-Lning
-aScale Pro - Balance Pro 1.1.3-iFRENCH
-Block Drop 1.3-watson
-Brain Blast Prime 1.5-EMGPDA
-BugMe! 1.01-idiot_savant
-Cars.tomizer Pro - The Vehicle Customizer 1.1-Lning
-Charmed 1.7-Lning
-Chop Chop Runner 1.0-VjR
-Cool Curlings 1.1.0-Lning
-Crystal Cave - Lost Treasures 1.0-Hexhammer

Pack 2:
-Cross Fingers 1.0-watson
-Cross Fingers 1.0.2-watson
-Dinosaur Slayer 1.0-Hexhammer
-DJ Mixer 1.6-Lning
-Doodle Army 1.3.0-Lning
-Doodle Crash! 1.1-iFRENCH
-DPMS Outbreak - Omega 0001-Hexhammer
-Dungeons & Dice 2.2-Lning

Pack 3:
-Doodle Movie Challenge 2.3.1-Lz0PDA
-EBPocket Professional 1.12-Lning
-Exandas - Greek 2.1-th3m
-Facebook Submarines 1.0-Hexhammer
-Finger Physics 1.4-Lz0PDA
-Jump-O-Mania 3D! 1.1.1-vic11

Pack 4:
-Flare Scratch 1.2.9-Lning
-Funkyball Worlds 1.12.00-Lning
-Kerplinkus 1.0-watson
-le livre des rêves 1.2-Euroiphone
-Libra Balance 1.4-Lz0PDA
-Luke Spotisode12 - Kayasploshagrotto 1.1-Hexhammer
-Midnight Bar 1.0-VjR
-Music Trainer Bass 1.3-EMGPDA
-Paper Boat Race 1.0-weGeeks

Pack 5:
-MyCal 1.4-Lz0PDA
-Potpourri 1.3-Lz0PDA
-preschoolTap - Animals Time 1.1-Lz0PDA
-Qbism 1.0-idiot_savant
-Rat On The Run 1.20-Lz0PDA
-Rune Trails 1.1.1-Lz0PDA
-SCRAPS 1.0.3-Lz0PDA
-Shaky Advice from SAMWELL 1.1-hobbypunk
-Six Pack App 2 Pro 2.30-Lz0PDA
-Space Box 1.0-watson
-Spite and Malice 2.1.2-Lz0PDA
-Subway Shuffle 2.0.8-watson
-SuperEgg 1.2-Lz0PDA
-Textropolis 1.4.1-Lz0PDA
-The Deep Pinball 1.5-Lz0PDA

Pack 6:
-Tic Tac Toe Pro 2.01-watson
-ToddlerTweets 1.1.1-Lz0PDA
-TweetMyLoc 1.1-Lz0PDA
-TweetTime Twitter Client 2.2.2-Lz0PDA
-TwitBird Premium 2.4.1-Lz0PDA
-TwitBird Pro 2.4.1-Lz0PDA
-Van Helsing - The Undead Slayer 1.0-VjR
-Vectron 1.0-Hexhammer
-WhatsApp Messenger 2.5.2-Lz0PDA
-Wild West Pinball 2.4-Lz0PDA

Pack 7:
-X-Plane Extreme 9.52-idwaneo
-Young Obour 1.0-mathboy

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