<< WIN Microsoft Office 2016 VL ProPlus (x64) August 2016
Microsoft Office 2016 VL ProPlus (x64) August 2016
Category Applications
Date 8 years, 7 months
Size 2.27 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website https://www.microsoftstore.com/store/mseea/nl_NL/pdp/Office-Professional-2016/productID.324451100
Sender PietVerdriet (bJpeMg)                
Tag PietVerdriet        
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Post Description

Microsoft Office 2016 VL ProPlus (x64) August 2016


Release Info

- OS: 64-bit version of Windows 10/8.1/8/7 SP1 + Windows 10 Server, Server 2012 R2/2012/2008 R2

- Main language: English (iso file)

- Additional languages (rar file): Dutch.

- Channel: Volume License

- Version: 16.0.4405.1000

- Architecture: x64
- Updated August 9, 2016

How to

If you need English version only
Download Office_2016_ProPlus_64Bit_English_2016.08.iso from Base folder

If you want to create an ISO file in another language
- Download full Base folder
- From folder 'Languages', download the RAR file(s) of your choice
- Extract your RAR file to Base folder, it will place a (relatively) small ISO file and a batch file with the same name
- Open the batch file and run it (no need to run as administrator)
- At the end of the process, the modified (updated) ISO file in the chosen language resides in Base folder

Bonus folder

- KMSpico 10.2.0 + Microsoft Toolkit 2.6 Final (activators)
- UBitMenu Customizer (adds Office 2003 type toolbars and menus to Office 2016) - free for private use
- Previous versions uninstallers (Office 2016, 2013, 365, 2003, 2007, 2010)
- Disable/Restore 'Sign In' option in Office applications (reg file)
- Disable/Restore Office 2016 Telemetry (reg file)
- ShellNewHandler (easily remove New Microsoft_xxxx in Windows Explorer context menu)


- Delete any previously installed version using the provided uninstallers (bonus folder) and reboot if required
- Mount / burn / extract ISO file
- Install Office components
- Activate using KMSpico (recommended) / Microsoft Toolkit (re-run activator if you add an application later)


- Disable / Restore Office 2016 Telemetry - merge reg file 'Disable/Restore Office 2016 Telemetry' (takes effect after rebooting your machine)
- Disable / Restore 'Sign In' option in Office applications - merge reg file 'Disable / Restore Sign In' (takes effect after rebooting your machine)
- Install UBitMenu Customizer (optional)
- Run ShellNewHandler (easily remove New Microsoft_xxxx in Windows Explorer context menu - optional)

Uploader jovo_bih hartelijk dank!

@ALLEMAAL, sinds 05-08-2016 staat PietVerdriet plotsklaps óók op de zwarte lijst bij Spotnet v2.0.0.xxx.
Wellicht het gevolg van kritiek op QoQ en mijn grote vriend Harper.
Beoordeel me op m'n post en NIET op m'n reacties a.u.b. bij voorbaat dank voor je steun.

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Gepost door: PietVerdriet | bJpeMg 10-08-2016 12:33 uur

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