<< WIN Digital Tutors Product Design Pipeline Concepting A Watch In Photoshop
Digital Tutors Product Design Pipeline Concepting A Watch In Photoshop
Category Applications
Date 8 years, 8 months
Size 1.43 GB
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Website http://www.digitaltutors.com/tutorial/1942-Product-Design-Pipeline-Concepting-a-Watch-in-Photoshop
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Post Description

Throughout this Photoshop tutorial we'll create multiple concept designs for a consumer product that will take the form of a watch. We'll choose one of our sketches and refine it to a level where it can be presented as a final product design. We'll also create additional detailed sketches to create a comprehensive guide for us to model the watch in Rhino in the future. By the end of this Photoshop training, you'll have a better understanding of how the concept design portion of industrial and consumer product design works.

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