<< DivX [Abby Winters] Lulu - Intimate moments
[Abby Winters] Lulu - Intimate moments
Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 9 years, 9 months
Size 804.03 MB
Website http://www.abbywinters.com
Sender dabossie (lVA3EA)                
Tag abbywinters        
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Post Description

Lulu's natural wetness clicks deep inside her hairy vagina as she feverishly inserts her fingers, all the while sitting on top of the kitchen table. 

She walks into the kitchen and has a nibble of some grapes but as soon as that hunger is satisfied, another awakens. Lulu removes her tank top and ties her hair into a ponytail that not only reveals her pert breasts but also her soft tufts of underarm hair. She caresses her breasts and body until finally she can no longer take it and seeks an orgasm by deeply fingering herself.

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