<< MP3 Willy Deville - Loup Garou - 1995
Willy Deville - Loup Garou - 1995
Category Sound
Date 1 year, 1 month
Size 127.28 MB
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Duet with Brenda Lee
Loup Garou includes a duet with Brenda Lee (“You’ll Never Know”). DeVille said about recording with Lee:

She’s amazing, and so professional. She's just this tiny little woman who has this great big voice. I had to cool out her accent a little bit. She had a real cracker-type of accent. I guess it's gotten thicker over the years, because she didn't sound like that when she was a teenager doing "Sweet Nothing."

She didn't know who the hell I was. I just called her up, played the song for her, and she loved it. She had her business people check me out, and they reported that I was big in Europe and had been recording for twenty years. So I flew to Nashville, which is a very weird place. Everybody is in the music business—every cab driver, waiter and busboy.

She was very shy. I thought she didn't like me at first, but once she got into the studio and saw me with all my dogs, she realized I was a very normal person. I told her I'd seen every show she ever did in New Orleans. I was the guy in front, and I had a picture of her sitting on my lap. I had my proof. That's got to go down in my book as one of the most memorable experiences in my career.[1]

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