<< DivX The route masters: Running London's roads - Episode 3.
The route masters: Running London's roads - Episode 3.
Category Image
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 581 MB
Website http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b036pgym
Sender Frank (o6v4ZA)                
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Post Description

Episode 3 of 6: On the buses.

More people now travel on London buses each day than on the rest of the UK's buses combined. With passenger numbers up sixty percent since 2000, the capital's bus drivers are under colossal pressure. And from their cab, they see how our behaviour has changed in that time.

Driver Alex is an old hand who complains that no-one says hello to him any more. Driver Sadie thinks we are all in such a hurry we are heading for nervous breakdowns. Trainee driver Christine is worried about getting lost. But it is not only the drivers who are under pressure. Behind every driver is a controller who tracks drivers' whereabouts and tells them to hurry up and slow down. The controllers themselves must hit strict targets if the service is to stay on track.

The answer to all this pressure may lie in Transport for London's big new idea: to bring back the Routemaster, with conductors. We see the new 21st century Routemaster being built in the factory in Northern Ireland, and follow it as it hits the streets of London. Will it make bus travel fun again?

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