<< WinPh PPC STKeys 1.4 (VB.NET 2K8) & 1.0 (native C)
PPC STKeys 1.4 (VB.NET 2K8) & 1.0 (native C)
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
GenreSecurity software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://google.nl/#q=stkeys+ppc
Sender copy[it]right
Tag stkeys wpa thomson speedtouch        
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Post Description

Onlangs had ik een aantal versies voor het Windows-platform gespot ([ftd]1204838[/ftd]), maar nu vond ik twee Windows Mobile versies.

Met deze software kun je de WPA-key van Thomson SpeedTouch modems berekenen (alleen mogelijk als de SSID en WPA-sleutel ervan nooit eerder zijn gewijzigd)

Versie 1.4 is gebaseerd op trage(re) VB.NET 2008 code, 1.0 op snelle(re) native C.

Veel plezier én doe er géén stoute dingen mee! >:^D

V.1.4 Changes: (VB.NET 2008)

[+] Add Listview to show all possible keys;
[+] Reorganized UI;
[+] Add ScrollBars to support all resolutions;
[+] Minor bugs fix

1.0 (native C)

Wr4i7h commented earlier:
Since stkeys PPC (vb.net app) is way too slow, at least on my blueangel, i decided to try porting the original stkeys prog by wyse101 0x40 gmail.com to windows mobile as a native c app. So here it is, source included.

How to use:
1.Copy stkeys_mobile.exe to any folder on your phone.
2.Suppose you need to find the key for ThomsonAABBCC. Copy AABBCC to the clipboard.
3.Close any CPU intensive apps you might have running, so the program runs faster.
4.Run the program, and click OK to confirm or Cancel to exit.
5.Wait a bit (this program doesn't really have a GUI; bear with my inexperience in win32 coding).
6.After a minute or so (hmm, dat is snel :S), a messagebox shows up. Click OK to see the results with your default txt viewer. The results are always appended to \stkeys.txt.

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