<< ePub Bladmuziek-Sonny Terry Blues Riffs
Bladmuziek-Sonny Terry Blues Riffs
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Date 1 decade, 3 years
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Bladmuziek-Sonny Terry Blues Riffs Book/CD Set

This is our first book of riffs devoted entirely to one harmonica star.

These Sonny Terry-style riffs aim to introduce the developing harmonica player to the sound of the great man himself.
Sonny Terry has been and continues to be a huge influence on generations of harp players
and now here's your chance to learn how to get that great sound.

There are sixty riffs in this collection and you'll need four different keys for them – A, G,Bb and C.
The riffs are performed at three different speeds and the notation and tab gives as much
information as possible to help you learn them.
The album finishes with four playalong tracks – one in each of the four harmonica keys, for you to try out the riffs with.

Bonus track : The great Joe Filisko has given us permission to
include his track 'Good Friend' which is dedicated to Sonny Terry.
You'll find this track after the four playalongs.

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Enjoy, Sjembek.

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