<< TUX Ine Linux Fundamentals for Network Engineers-TUTOR
Ine Linux Fundamentals for Network Engineers-TUTOR
Category Applications
Date 7 years, 1 week
Size 2.12 GB
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Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Ine+Linux+Fundamentals+for+Network+Engineers-TUTOR
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)                
Tag PingPong        
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Post Description

This course is designed specifically to introduce both new and             
experienced professional network engineers to the Linux operating
system and environment. The course begins with a comprehensive overview
of Linux and quickly dives into the fundamentals of the CLI with
real-world examples that demonstrate critical Linux concepts like the
Bash shell interactive user interface, utilities, and the hierarchical
Linux file system structure. With that solid foundation established, we
progress to system and file security, user interface customization with
the Bash shell, file editing, and system and network administration
tasks, and take a brief look at the power of Bash shell scripting and
how it can be leveraged from a network administrator perspective. This
course will fully prepare attendees to continue on to the Shell
Scripting Fundamentals for Network Engineers course.

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