<< WIN Dino Island Deluxe
Dino Island Deluxe
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://google.nl/search?hl=nl%26q=Dino+Island+Deluxe
Sender Bombvis
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Post Description

Climb aboard the Polar Express, a magical train on a journey to the North Pole! Encounter memorable characters from the film as you race across train tops, ride runaway rail cars, and sort through mountains of presents. It's an adventure you'll never forget. A story enjoyed by children and adults.

Cross a Diplodocus with a Brachiosaurus, blast &#145;em with radiation and what do you get? Possibly the greatest theme park attraction of all time! Enclose &#146;em, add some shops, restaurants and rides, and you&#146;ve got the recipe for instant success&#133; or disaster. It&#146;s up to you to keep the crowds comin&#146; in&#133; and your new dinosaurs happy!

How do your dinos stack up? Find out with competitions like the dino race, steeplechase, destruction derby and capture the goat. Rrrrrrrrrrrrr! Furnish your park with souvenir shops, burger bars and thrill rides to keep &#145;em coming back for more! Scaly, feathered, spotted, striped, fierce or friendly &#150; mix and match &#145;em in the dino-creation lab to create your own hybrids.

Play two Game Modes &#150; Campaign & Free Mode
Choose your Location &#150; Polynesia, Africa, the Tropics & more!
Select 20 Species, 30 Skins and 50 Extras in the Dino-Creation Lab
Add tons of attractions, shops and thrill rides to complete your Dino Park.

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