<< WIN True Astrology Software v3 0 0 0
True Astrology Software v3 0 0 0
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Post Description

Serjal Infotech True Astrology Software v3 0 0 0

Features of True Astrology Software
* Natal Charts North, South and Western wheel
using standard time & LMT
* Save Charts in specific Categories
* Add/Delete Category
* Edit Latitude & Longitude of a place
* Add/Edit/Delete Place
* Edit Birth Time
* Horary charts for Numbers 1-243 & 1-2193 North
South and Western wheel
* Instant Time Chart (Instant Prashna Chart)
North, South and Western wheel
* KP Ayanamsha (Old & New)
* Khullar, Lahiri, Raman, and many other Ayanamsha
* Support for Mr. S.P. Khullar s Sub- Sub & Cuspal
Inter Links theory
* Tables of KP Significators
* Planetary and Cuspal positions up to Sub-Sub
* Cuspal Interlinks table
* Select House System from Placidus, Koch
Porphyrius, Regiomontanus, Campanus, Equal, Vehlow
Equal, Axial rotation, Azimuthal, Polich/Page
(Topocentric system), Alcabitus, Morinus
* Chart Calculations with Ascendant at Start of
Cusp or at Mid-Point of Cusp
* Date wise Transit Chart for a given Place
* Eclipse Search
* Ephemeris
* Harmonic and Age Harmonic Western Wheels with
Bi-Chart and Tri-Chart
* Solar Eclipse Western wheels
* Date wise Dasa Search
* Rahu/Ketu Ascendant Chart
* Vimsottari Dasa up to Prana
* Date range: 01/01/1801 to 31/12/5397
* Database of over 11,100 cities all over the world
with coordinates and time zones
* Reference Topics
* Date Calculator, Degree Calculator &
Ghati-Vighati Calculator
* Ayanamsha Calculator & Sidereal Time Calculator
* New condensed one page report
* Select to Include Outer Planets (Neptune, Pluto &
Uranus) planets
* Horizontal/Vertical window tiling for convenient
* Geocentric Correction
* True/Mean Rahu/ Ketu Position
* Backup/Restore utility
* Daily Lagna Transits
* Zodiac Point Calculator
* Ruling Planets
* Horoscope matching for marriage based on KP
Dasavidha Poruthams and Guna Milap
* Transit Locator
* Dates of Retrogression of Planets
* Solar and Lunar Return Western Wheels with
Bi-Chart and Tri-Chart
* Progressions and Directions Western Wheels with
Bi-Chart and Tri-Chart
* Profection Annual Western Wheels with Bi-Chart
and Tri-Chart
* Cuspal and Planetary tables with Western Single
* Storing of Life Events
* Display of current Date and Time in toolbar
* Rotate chart to any cusp

New Features:

* Panchang
* Luminaries Rising/ Setting Times
* Primary and Supporting Cusps for Specific events
* Planetary Strength Vimsopak Bal & ShadBal
* Hora
* Ashtak Varga
* Notepad to save & Edit Remaks of Charts
* View Sub & Sub-Sub Tables

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