<< DivX Middle Man 2016 HDRip XviD AC3-EVO
Middle Man 2016 HDRip XviD AC3-EVO
Category Image
Date 7 years, 11 months
Size 1.5 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4835894/
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)                
Tag PingPong        
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Post Description

Lenny Freeman is a straight-laced old-school accountant with a dream; to become a famous stand-up comedian. The problem is, Lenny is not very funny. Not even close. When his mother dies, leaving him nothing but debt and her '53 Oldsmobile, Lenny hits the road to chase his dream and head to Vegas to audition for Monte Guy's annual "Stand-Up Stand-Off". Along the way (and against his better judgment) Lenny picks up a mysterious traveler named "Hitch" and his trip quickly turns from bad to worse. When they stop at a small desert town, Lenny tries his act out at an open-mic, but a run-in with a heckler quickly leads to murder. Now with a dead body in his trunk, Lenny and Hitch are on the run. The body count soon piles up and Lenny tries to free himself from his psychotic sidekick and escape to Vegas with the girl of his dreams. But Hitch won't shake so easily. They've got a contract. And the devil is in the details...literally. Not to mention the fact that all this blood and mayhem is having a strange side-effect on Lenny. It is actually improving his comedy! As the saying goes - it's only funny until someone gets hurt.

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Wil je Engelse of NL subs (Engelse SUBS zitten er meestal al in) zie dan onderstaande websites :

opensubtitles.org/nl Veel subs maar veel reclame kijk goed uit waar je klikt.

De srt file de zelfde naam geven als de film. De BluRay 720p/1080p BDrip en soms dvdrip werken vaak met elkaar. Als je geluk hebt de webdll ook kwa tijd.

Vergeet niet een hoop films worden niet vertaald naar het Nederlands omdat het erg veel werk kost! Maar heb je goede Subs gevonden? Plaats ze gerust hier onder! Sharing is caring!

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