<< DVD5 European Nymphing Techniques & Fly Tying with Aaron Jasper
European Nymphing Techniques & Fly Tying with Aaron Jasper
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 4.67 GB
Website http://globalflyfisher.com/video/trailer-european-nymphing-techniques
Sender Robela (dB0aKA)                
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Post Description

European Nymphing - Techniques & Fly Tying with Aaron Jasper.
thIs a (1- 1/2 Hour Fly Fishing Tutorial DVD) (CD-ROM)
Since watching this dvd I have brought my nymphing game to a whole new level,My hook-up and catch rates have dramatically gone up.The more you practice the techniques in the dvd the better you get,not to mention the awsome fly patterns.If you want to catch more fish I highly recommend this dvd.

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