<< ePub Iron Man vs Whiplash (complete 1-4)
Iron Man vs Whiplash (complete 1-4)
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 70.17 MB
Website http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=user_review&id=1627
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As the Marvel multimedia machine marches forward, it is only fitting that the publisher produce some product related to the movie set for a May debut. After all, when the first "X-Men" movie was released, there was an astonishing lack of movie-relevant material for fans to seek out and consume. Not so with "Iron Man." Black Widow -- to be portrayed by Scarlett Johansson -- has a couple of mini-series going, so it only seems appropriate that Mickey Rourke's comic book counterpart gets in on the four-color action. The names may be changed to protect the innocent, and the story is certainly different from that of the mainstream Marvel Universe, but the high concepts are here for the fans of the franchise to latch onto.

Deze serie is uitgebracht ter ondersteuning van de film Iron Man 2.
De complete serie van 4 comics in het Engels.
Met dank aan de originele scanners!

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