<< WIN The Mystery Unleashed NL
The Mystery Unleashed NL
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Xplosive-nzb.com+-+R-H-NL
Sender SandrAs
Tag SandrAs xplosiveNZB        
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Post Description

Relic Hunt - The Mystery Unleashed 

met NL zoekwoorden

It is all about dense forest and treasure hunting. Markus, grandson of Melvin is the hero of this game and he is a treasure hunter. Markus is mischievous and always playful. Both of them used to go inside for hunting and Markus learns the way of hunting from his grandfather.

One day Melvin lost his grandson in a dense forest and even after through search, he could not find Markus. So, he returned home thinking Markus might have been killed by wild animals. But to his surprise, he found Markus back to home before him. Both the Grandfather and Grandson rejoined together Melvin was very happy to know Markus&#146;s potential.
Later Markus after the death of his grandfather came to know about his dream and undertake an adventure to fulfill his grandfather&#146;s wish.

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