<< PS 3 x Ridge Racer PS1 PAL
3 x Ridge Racer PS1 PAL
Category Games
Date 9 years, 9 months
Size 1.27 GB
Website http://www.ign.com/games/ridge-racer-1995/ps-173
Sender Dick42 (t1jlxA)                
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Post Description

Ridge Racer
Get ready for the ride of your life as you strap in for a time-tested classic. The original high-octane racing challenge for the PlayStation, RIDGE RACER is based on a wildly successful arcade game. Bringing its signature graphics, realistic driving physics, and awesome soundtrack to you living room, RIDGE RACER has all of the excitement youd expect from a coin-operated game and the detailed simulation of a PlayStation title. Choose from 13 different vehicles as you race your way to fame and glory. In lap after detailed lap, you'll have to do whatevers necessary to take the lead and defend your position. This is the game that introduced the now infamous powerslide move, a method of making turns without losing momentum. If the standard issue courses arent enough for you, try reversing them! Each track has the capacity to be flipped, making for twice as much racing. The game is full of its share of surprises, including the opportunity to crash into a helicopter. Whether youre a racing fan or youre just looking for a seminal videogame title, youre sure to enjoy RIDGE RACER.

Ridge Racer Revolution
Are you ready for a revolution? Namco revisits its smash hit RIDGE RACER, adding improved graphics, more intense sound effects, and an exciting new course. A vast racing game that takes you through some of the most incredible locations imaginable, RIDGE RACER REVOLUTION starts you out with three selectable courses featuring sunset coasts, mountaintops, city locales, and tunnels. Real-time lighting effects allow the game to take place at any time of day, which means youll have to adjust to the rigors of driving at dusk or through the pitch black of midnight. You can earn up to 12 different vehicles to race, each with its own ratings for speed, handling, acceleration, and grip. The better you race, the more likely it is youll attain the rights to race Diablo or White Angel, the ultimate racing machines. Different modes include Arcade, Single Race, and the ultra-aggressive Battle mode. With excellent animations, simple controls, and a high replay value, RIDGE RACER REVOLUTION is one awesome trip. Namco even throws in a playable version of its 1981 arcade smash, GALAGA. Hey, don't complain its free.

Ridge Racer type 4
The Ridge Racer series has always been about arcade style racing excitement. R4 Ridge Racer Type 4 keeps the arcade style intact with all of the powerslides and spinouts fans of the series have come to expect. You take the role of a professional driver in the Grand Prix mode. Pick one of four teams and one of four car manufacturers, and then race on eight tracks. Each team has its own storyline that plays out between races in conversations with your team liaison, and how well you finish changes what the liaison says to you. To advance through the races, you must finish in third or higher on the first two tracks, while the second two require at least second place, and you must win the last four races outright. Try to keep your car under control and win the championship for your team in R4 Ridge Racer Type 4.

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