<< FLAC David Munyon - Code Name: Jumper
David Munyon - Code Name: Jumper
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://amazon.co.uk/Code-Name-Jumper-David-Munyon/dp/B000025QYG
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David Munyon - Code Name: Jumper
01 - Maybe Over The Border
02 - On The Other Side Of Harlem
03 - Beijing dreams
04 - Everyday American Hero
05 - Stealer Of Hearts
06 - Earl"s Song
07 - East Of Paris
08 - Me And This Old Suitcase
09 - Just The Waters Rushing
10 - Lost One, This Is Three, Are You Lost Too
11 - Hey Benny

review: David Munyon seems to be pretty much unknown in the UK, which is a real shame as he has a talent for songwriting that is truly remarkable. I have several of his albums and I think that this is just about the best of the bunch. There are some wonderful songs on here (check out the likes of Earl"s Song, Hey Benny and Maybe Over the Border), which are written with real emotion and probably tell us an awful lot about the man himself. This is a really special piece of work and deserves to be recognised as such.

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