<< DivX Dancing Bear - Balls Out Casual Friday
Dancing Bear - Balls Out Casual Friday
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Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://dancingbear.com
Sender Alex De Lange
Searchengine Search
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Post Description

Why can't my day job be like theirs, or even in the same building. I can't remember clearly but I guess one of the employees was being transferred so this was her farewell, or her birthday. Fuck, who cares. This was probably the hottest show so far. Just the look of all these professional chicks similar to my school teachers. getting dirty with the strippers without a drop of alcohol. That's right. Dead sober these uptight wives and girlfriends are stroking cocks of random strippers even spreading there legs and fucking them in front of all their coworkers who just took turns sucking the same cocks. This is one of my favorites, check it out.

Dancing Bear: mannelijlke strippers + losgeslagen vrouwen = altijd party

Formaat: .flv, 640 * 480. Ik weet dat dit geen eigenlijke HD is, maar FTD heeft geen betere keuze. Daarom "HD overig".

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