<< WIN Lynda.com - Illustrator CS5 One-on-One Fundamentals
Lynda.com - Illustrator CS5 One-on-One Fundamentals
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Post Description

Course name: Illustrator CS5 One-on-One: Fundamentals
Author: Deke McClelland
Duration (hr:min): 23:12
Released on: 5/28/2010
Exercise files: Yes
Software works on: Mac and Windows

Illustrator is the gold-standard vector graphics program that is deep and complex. Fortunately, nobody knows the software like award-winning book and video author Deke McClelland. Join Deke as he explores such indispensable features as artboards, layers, line art, transformations, and the Pen tool. Gain expertise with real-world projects that makes sense. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:

* Creating great art using basic tools
* Brushing and building organic artwork
* Scaling and rotating path outlines
* Creating and formatting text
* Drawing articulated paths with the Pen tool
* Combining paths with Pathfinder operations
* Printing and exporting to the web

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