<< WIN Tails-amd64-5 14 iso (tails standalone met OS en applicaties b v torbrowser)
Tails-amd64-5 14 iso (tails standalone met OS en applicaties b v  torbrowser)
Category Applications
Date 1 year, 7 months
Size 1.33 GB
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Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Tails-amd64-5+14+iso+%28tails+standalone+met+OS+en+applicaties+b+v++torbrowser%29
Sender Superbit (65AJuQ)                
Tag Tornetwerk        
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Post Description

Download Tails 5 - An operating system directly which you can boot on almost any computer from a USB memory stick or DVD

Tails is a live operating system that you can boot on almost any computer from a USB memory stick or DVD. Tails does this by using the distribution classic Gnome of Linux. The top navigation bar allows you quick access to "Applications" and "Places" so you can easily access what you need quickly and easily and not lost.

Tails - independent operating System for security

Menu "apps" provide shortcuts for bundled software, including graphics, audio and video, office, system tools, and more. It also provides a shortcut to the configuration utility Gnome. The Menu "Places" provide access to the folder, storage media, and more. There are also "Favorites" allows you to quick access to most of the internet tools you need, including the TOR browser, Keepass, Icedove, Pidgin, and terminal, Gnome.

Tails is a good way to do many things, but primarily just access the internet easily. It is expected that it will take more than an hour before you down load, set up and launch for the first time. Everyone should remember that although it promises privacy, but it's just as good as Gnome, and the apps used in it.

The features of the Tails
use the Internet anonymously and moderated spleen law
all connections to the Internet are forced to go through the Tor network
leave no trace on the computer you are using unless you explicitly ask
use the encryption tool to encrypt files, email and instant messages by you.

Met deze software kun je op iedere willekeurige computer veilig informatie verkrijgen en versturen totaal encrypted en zonder het nalaten van enig spoor op die computer.
Op de usb is ook de mogelijkheid aanwezig voor een encrypted volume voor bestanden en natuurlijk zijn er apps:

* Torbrowser
* Torconnection opties
* Tails documentatie
* Whisper error reporting
* Tais installer voor eigen apss
* Thunderbird mail
* KeeypasXC
* Kleopatra

Info :https://tails.boum.org/

Je kunt dit ook zelf downloaden

Doelgroep Journalisten , Klokkeluiders , Secret service ,nieuwsgierige leechers

Ik heb mijn Usb stick gemaakt door de iso te laden in een linux vm
Als die is opgestart kun je Tails ook naar een andere usb stick klonen.
Samen met je eigen geinstalleerd apps, zie image
Echt verbinding maken en werken met tail doe beter door de USB op te starten , daar je anders tegen restrikties van de VM loopt Tails detect altijd (the man in the middel on the network)

Je kunt natuurlijk ook even op de site kijken


Mijn install en kloon duurde 10 minuten

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