<< PS2 Rygar - The Legendary Adventure PS2 PAL
Rygar - The Legendary Adventure PS2 PAL
Category Games
PlatformPlaystation 2
Date 9 years, 8 months
Size 1.73 GB
Website http://www.ign.com/games/rygar-the-battle-of-argus/ps2-481006
Sender Dick42 (t1jlxA)                
Tag Dick42        
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Post Description

The story of Rygar begins with the Island of Argus being plagued by evil Titans. Armageddon has spread over the land, creating chaos as volcanoes, earthquakes, and monsters ravage the countryside. In mankinds darkest hour, a hero rises from the ashes to defeat the Titans, rescue the princess and restore order to the land. The player will become Rygar and his legendary adventure will begin. The actions of Rygar rely heavily on the use of his almighty Diskarmor, the heroes weapon of choice in the game. The yo-yo like Diskarmor is one of the most important elements of the game. Created by gods, the Diskarmor is not just any weapon, it is an essential survival tool and divine instrument for the brave hero. The spiked razor shield will be used for attack, defense, and transportation.

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