<< WIN Topaz Plugin Bundle for Photoshop (4-2011)
Topaz Plugin Bundle for Photoshop (4-2011)
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 256.69 MB
Website http://www.topazlabs.com/bundle/
Sender Syst3mErr0r (rwew0w)                
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Post Description

Topaz Photoshop Bundle - significantly expands the functionality of existing adjustments in Photoshop, give photographers a fast, efficient and absolute control over their creative vision. Topaz Labs Photoshop Plug-Ins are specially designed to enhance the creative tools the photographer, through the use of powerful technologies in the field of image changes. The package Topaz Photoshop Bundle includes 8 plug-ins: Topaz Adjust, Topaz DeNoise, Topaz Simplify, Topaz Clean, Topaz DeJPEG, Topaz Detail, Topaz ReMask, Topaz InFocus.

. Instantly convert your photos into an exciting art
. Control of the artistic process with an infinitely configurable options
. Use simple, fast and easy to master sliders
. Maximizing productivity through the use of a number of built-in presets
. Save your settings in your own presets
. Take advantage of multiple processors for faster processing
. Using Smart Photoshop filter for convenient and non-destructive editing

Members package:
Topaz Labs LLC has released a new plugin for Adobe Photoshop and other graphic editors - Topaz InFocus v1.0.0. This plugin was created to help photographers, designers, amateurs do graphics. InFocus uses deconvolution (restoration) picture, about how to reverse the process blurred images, increasing the actual focus. InFocus may increase the clarity of the well focused image, as well as eliminate smearing defocused, blurred image.

Topaz DeNoise 5.0.1 uses advanced algorithms for adjusting parameters such as: color, detail, exposure, noise, blur, brightness, contrast, etc., will help to effectively achieve unique results in image processing, to create state-paintings from your photos with minimal loss time and effort.
Topaz DeNoise - is one of the best noise reduction tool. It uses a new and powerful method of filtering noise on the basis of their own algorithms created from new technologies have emerged in recent years. Simply and effectively reduces noise in images without reducing the quality of parts.
Usually very difficult to cure underexposed pictures from all the noise that appear in low light.
In DeNoise applied a completely new approach to noise reduction, which is different from any other methods at present. The basic algorithm DeNoise 4 analyzes the entire image processing, and thus eliminates the noise while maintaining or even improving important image features - unlike other software, in which the blurred image details. Topaz DeNoise 4 also includes a very effective treatment for colored noise.

Topaz Clean T 3.02 uses advanced algorithms for adjusting parameters such as: the radius of the filter, details, exposure, noise, blur, brightness, contrast, etc., effectively help to achieve unique results in image processing, to create state-paintings from your photos with minimal loss of time and effort. Remove noise from RGB-images, and simultaneously increase the clarity of boundaries color transitions. Compatible with all versions of Adobe Photoshop, including CS5 32/64-bit.
Topaz Clean unlike most modern methods of noise suppression, which are mainly based on the wavelet technique, uses his trademark unique method of filter Topaz Clean T, which allows you to achieve excellent results without calibration chamber to create a "noise profile" or dig with a large number of parameters . The plugin comes with a built-in presets and lets you create and sozranyat own, lets you download them from the Internet, supports multi-core processors, which significantly increases processing speed. Compatible with virtually all versions of Adobe Photoshop, Elements, and many other graphic editors. Compatibility list will be at the end of the news.

Topaz ReMask v3.1.0 has advanced masking algorithms that accurately isolate the desired object from the general background and properly fit it into another image.
The hardest part of this process - just select the object to be placed in another environment. Topaz ReMask at work uses his trademark method of masking "Tri-map" for ReMask, which is an elementary choosing the "right" and "bad" pixels on the three color channels. ReMask can cope even with such complex objects like hair, small parts, hair, complex "boundary", shadow and transparency, which allows the following decomposition of the complex to move objects from one image to another.
Advanced technologies Topaz ReMask's working with "Tri-map", that is, the user is a choice of card-generated masks, consisting of three colors: white, black and gray. Users are able to quickly identify the elements of the image that they want to use: white - the elements that must be preserved, the black area on which images they want to get rid of gray - the command to ReMask for calculations.
Tri-map technique significantly reduces the time masking several times while improving the accuracy of cutting thin and complex elements of the image.

Topaz Detail 2.0.5 is ideally suited to increase or decrease the sharpness of the image, and provides full control over all aspects of manipulation and micro-adjust the contrast without creating any artifacts or halos at the edges. as well as to convert images to grayscale, with full control of tonal range. The appearance of the luminous halo - one of the main problems of post-processing after the creation of HDR images, which works fine Detail.

Topaz Adjust 4.1.0 uses advanced algorithms for adjusting parameters such as: color, detail, exposure, noise, blur, brightness, contrast, etc., effectively help to achieve unique results in image processing, to create state-paintings from your photos with minimal loss time and effort. Compatible with all versions of Adobe Photoshop and many other graphic editors.
Adjust allows you to easily and effectively implement the complete control over image exposure, color, detail, add stunning effects at the expense of your own presets. For maximum convenience, an automated intelligent adjustment of exposure for underexposed and overexposed images, noise removal tool, allows for the preservation and reuse presets, using only one shutter speed allows you to create close as possible to the HDR image. Support for Smart Filters Photoshop.

Topaz DeJPEG v4.0.2 - Plugin for Photoshop removes JPEG artifacts and enhances image clarity simultaneously. Each of us know little squares and blurring compression JPEG. Of course, this is unbearable and very, very frustrating, but we were able to get used to it. Topaz Labs finally solved this problem by releasing JPEG enhancer. This plug-in for Photoshop, with which you can remove the squares and improve image clarity.

Simplify 3.0.2 plugin, which turns any photo into a masterpiece of art imitating painting in oil, watercolor or pastel. The tool enables the expense of broadening and simplification of border colors to create beautiful canvas from digital photos. As part of the plugin has its own presets Simplify has several tabs, each of which you can set certain parameters to create your masterpiece. You can also use ready-made presets for turning your photos into an artistic picture, animated graphics, etc. Using their own settings and adjustments you can save them in your own presets for Dalgow its application to other images. In addition, using this plugin, you can create thumbnails of your images with simulated pencil drawing. Plug-in opens up many new opportunities for photographers and digital artists.

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