<< MP3 Va - a tribute to accept (1999)
Va - a tribute to accept (1999)
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=va+--+a+tribute+to+accept+%281999%29
Sender robke63
Tag Usenetmetal        
Searchengine Search
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Post Description

01 sinner - balls to the wall
02 hammerfall - head over heels
03 tankard - son of a bitch
04 steel prophet - fast as a shar
05 sodom - i'm a rebel
06 primal fear - breaker
07 atrocity - shake your heads
08 axxis - flash rockin man
09 grave digger - starlight
10 seven witches - monsterman
11 therion - the king
12 tarot - generation clash
13 metalium - burning
14 pegazus - restless and wild
15 watchtower - run if you can
16 rykers - london leatherboys
17 new eden - china lady
18 sacred steel - fight it back
19 dimmu borgir - metal heart

Genre : div metal

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