<< x264HD Planet Earth BBC (2006)
Planet Earth BBC (2006)
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LanguageDutch subtitles (available)
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://imdb.com/title/tt0795176/episodes
Sender Shamus
Tag HDNL Remux        
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Post Description

Planet Earth is een elfdelige serie natuurdocumentaires uit 2006, in meer dan vijf jaar gemaakt door de BBC, Discovery Channel en het Japanse NHK. Deze bestaat in totaal uit 13 uur aan beelden van wilde dieren, landschappen, onderwater- en luchtbeelden van over de gehele aarde.

| Planet.Earth.BBC.2006.S01.1080p.Bluray.DTS.VC1.Remux-SHiTSoNy
| Planet Earth BBC (2006)
| imdb.com/title/tt0795176/
SouRCe : Blu-Ray VC-1 (UK) |
ENCoDeR : none (Remux) |
ReSoLuTioN : 1920x1080 |
FRaMeRaTe : 23.976 FPS |
| LaNGuaGe ......... Dutch
| SouRCe ........... Blu-Ray
| CoDeC ............ DTS 5.1 1.5 mbps
| LaNGuaGe ......... English
| SouRCe ........... Blu-Ray
| CoDeC ............ AC3 5.1 640 kbps
SuBTiTLes : Dutch |
FoRMaT : SRT |
| CoNTaiNer : MKV
| FiLeSiZe : 85 GiB (Total)
| Planet.Earth.BBC.2006.S01E01.From.Pole.to.Pole.1080p.Bluray.DTS.VC1.Remux-SHiTSoNy
| Planet.Earth.BBC.2006.S01E02.Mountains.1080p.Bluray.DTS.VC1.Remux-SHiTSoNy
| Planet.Earth.BBC.2006.S01E03.Fresh.Water.1080p.Bluray.DTS.VC1.Remux-SHiTSoNy
| Planet.Earth.BBC.2006.S01E04.Caves.1080p.Bluray.DTS.VC1.Remux-SHiTSoNy
| Planet.Earth.BBC.2006.S01E05.Deserts.1080p.Bluray.DTS.VC1.Remux-SHiTSoNy
| Planet.Earth.BBC.2006.S01E06.Ice.Worlds.1080p.Bluray.DTS.VC1.Remux-SHiTSoNy
| Planet.Earth.BBC.2006.S01E07.Great.Plains.1080p.Bluray.DTS.VC1.Remux-SHiTSoNy
| Planet.Earth.BBC.2006.S01E08.Jungles.1080p.Bluray.DTS.VC1.Remux-SHiTSoNy
| Planet.Earth.BBC.2006.S01E09.Shallow.Seas.1080p.Bluray.DTS.VC1.Remux-SHiTSoNy
| Planet.Earth.BBC.2006.S01E10.Seasonal.Forests.1080p.Bluray.DTS.VC1.Remux-SHiTSoNy
| Planet.Earth.BBC.2006.S01E11.Ocean.Deep.1080p.Bluray.DTS.VC1.Remux-SHiTSoNy

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