<< MAC Capture One Pro 6.4.1 Mac OSX
Capture One Pro 6.4.1 Mac OSX
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 284.37 MB
Website http://www.google.nl/search?q=Capture+One+Pro+6.4.1&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:nl:official&client=firefox-a
Sender abee60 (3RCiXg)                
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Post Description

apture One Pro 6.4.1 Mac OSX

Capture One Pro is one of the most powerful professional converters digital photos in RAW format that supports a wide range of modern cameras.

The program allows for single and batch mode to convert "on the fly" file in full-size TIFF RGB / CMYK and JPG format, adjust white balance, effectively handle "overexposed" and "underexposed" snapshots, fine-tune the sharpness of the image and eliminate color noise.

Capture One allows multiple options for adjusting the same image. As a template used by the original RAW, and not the result of previous adjustments. The workspace is divided into several areas. Their number equals the number of treatment options negativa.Nastroyka original digital white balance by using the controls color temperature and tint. In addition, there is a choice of scene modes, for many traditional cameras. You can also use a pipette. The photograph indicates a neutral gray point from which builds up the white balance.

The program allows you to optimize the dynamic range. If there are photos too dark or light areas, they can show by restoring the shadows and highlights. You can turn on and off lights illuminated areas of the image and the image noise teney.Ustranenie made in two directions. You can suppress the grain and chroma noise. Capture One Pro has always been distinguished from competitors in a unique algorithm sharpening images. Photos that have been converted in the RAW-converter, look a little sharper than the competition.

Capture One Pro is created, all-in-one, reducing the need for post processing of images, which in practice means a requirement to use Photoshop to process images. Simple tools, simple menus, and easily understandable symbols make the complex process of handling RAW-files simple, intuitive and exciting.

Version: 6.4.1 Pro version
RAR: 11
Name: CaptureOnePro6.4MacOSX by abee60
PAR: 10%
Scans: Yes- Clean| malewareBytes & Microsoft Securitiy Essentials

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