<< WIN Sawblaster
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Xplosive-nzb.com+-+Sawblaster
Sender SandrAs
Tag SandrAs xplosiveNZB        
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Post Description


You are a volunteer assigned to an ANNIHILATOR ship. Your target is to perform an inroad in the back land of the contender and destroy the military supply support system. For this long mission, far away from supply support ships, the scientists have developed a SAWBLASTER - a radically new type of weapon requesting no recharge! Nothing can stand against the destructive capacity of a SAWBLASTER! But it has one disadvantage - the SAWBLASTER is hard to control! Good luck, soldier!


*Main destructive weapon - sharp-toothed saw.
*6 worlds
*60 levels
*Variety of bonuses
*4 kinds of destructive saws

op verzoek geplaatst

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