<< GC Call Of Duty: Finest Hour (NTSC gepatch naar PAL)
Call Of Duty: Finest Hour (NTSC gepatch naar PAL)
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 49 KB
Website http://wiitdb.com/Game/GCOE52
Sender Idefix1976
Tag GameCubeIdefix1976        
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Post Description

Title: Call Of Duty: Finest Hour
Region: NTSC-U > PAL
Type: GameCube
Synopsis: Call of Duty: Finest Hour is a squad-based console first-person shooter set in WWII. Head to the frontlines of combat to experience intense battlefield moments from World War II's most legendary conflicts including the Russian infantry charge at Stalingrad, the British PPA Commando raids in North Africa and the American led tank charges in Belgium -- through the eyes of citizen soldiers from an alliance of countries who together helped shape the course of modern history. Take on the Nazi war machine through authentic single-player combat missions and utilize an explosive arsenal of WWII weapons from the Russian, British, American and German armories, including pistols, machine guns, sniper rifles and grenades. Play as an American, British or Russian soldier, each with his own story.

Developer: Spark Unlimited / EXAKT Entertainment
Publisher: Activision
Release date: 2004-11-16

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