<< x264HD Skins US S01E08
Skins US S01E08
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1.29 GB
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Post Description

Skins (US)

Skins is a wild ride through the lives
of a group of high school friends stumbling
through the mine field of adolescence... and
stepping on most of the mines as they go. We'll
meet TONY; good looking, witty, manipulative - he
wants everything, and usually gets it. Then there's
his girlfriend MICHELLE; gorgeous and clever,
just not clever enough to realize Tony may not be
the right one for her. And maybe the right one is
actually Tony's best friend, STANLEY. He's everything
Tony isn't, and that might end up being a good thing.
Of course, Stanley is stuck in a pretend relationship
with CADIE, possibly the most dysfunctional girl ever
to attend a high school... or maybe that's all just
another thing she's faking. You'll love CHRIS because,
well, everyone does. No drug is too obscure for him
to try, and no sexual mountain too high for him to climb.
Complicating everyone's life is the infamous TEA. She
likes girls. And girls like her. What more is there to
figure out... right? And let's not forget ABBUD, the
not so devout Moslem and DAISY, the responsible one of
the group who is just itching to break some rules of her
own. Be it sex, drugs, the breadth of friendships or the
depth of heartbreaks, Skins is an emotional mosh-pit that
slams through the insanity of teenage years. They'll
crush hearts and burn brain cells, while fearlessly
confronting every obstacle head on...or slightly off.

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