<< GC 18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker (PAL)
18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker (PAL)
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 29.6 MB
Website http://wiitdb.com/Game/GWEP8P
Sender Idefix1976
Tag GameCubeIdefix1976        
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Post Description

Title: 18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker
Region: PAL
Type: GameCube
Synopsis: Join the convoy! AM2's off the wall arcade smash, 18-Wheeler American Pro Trucker is rambling to the PlayStation2 computer entertainment system for one heck'uva pit stop! Get behind the wheel of a 60 foot long, 20 ton, 18-wheeled beast and buckle up as you haul tail from New York to California and everywhere in between in the most intense joyride of your life! 10-4 good buddy - Over and out!

Developer: SEGA-AM2
Publisher: Sega Japan

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