<< DivX 24 Season 4 - Episode 21 Dutch Subs
24 Season 4 - Episode 21 Dutch Subs
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LanguageDutch subtitles (builtin)
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 1.1 GB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=24+Season+4+-+Episode+21+Dutch+Subs
Sender Jack (pnm0tQ)                
Tag RealTime        
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Post Description

Season Four is set 18 months after Season Three. Jack is now working for Secretary of Defense James Heller after being fired by CTU due to his heroin addiction. As the day begins, he gets caught up in an elaborate terrorist plot which involves James Heller and his daughter Audrey Raines.

Unlike previous seasons, which focused on a singular threat, multiple enemies, and conspiracies, this season is based around one main enemy: a terrorist named Habib Marwan who controls a series of Middle Eastern terrorist cells that launch attacks against the United States.[3] Rather than three large acts, this season is divided into several smaller acts depending on what terrorist threat Marwan came up with.

1.The kidnapping and planned broadcast of the execution of the Secretary of Defense.
2.Nuclear power plants across America are sent into a forced meltdown.
3.Terrorists steal a stealth fighter to shoot down Air Force One.
4.Jack and Marwan scramble to get ahold of the nuclear football.
5.The terrorists steal and launch a nuclear missile.

Enjoy the fourth Season and keep checkin'in for some more post from Jack!

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