<< DivX Big Love Seizoen 4
Big Love Seizoen 4
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LanguageEnglish subtitles (builtin)
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 7 GB
Website http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0421030/
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The fourth season of Big Love premiered on January 10, 2010.[14] It was further announced that Amanda Seyfried, who plays Bill and Barb's daughter Sarah, will leave the show after the completion of the season in order to pursue a film career full time. However, she did decide to come back for the show's series finale.[15]
Reuters reported that Bella Thorne will replace Jolean Wejbe who has played Bill and Barb's daughter Teeny for the first three seasons.[16] Another addition to the show is Adam Beach who plays Tommy Flute, the son of Jerry Flute (Robert Beltran), Bill's Indian gaming business partner.
In the premiere episode of season four, viewers learn that Roman Grant's body has been hidden in a freezer for several weeks by Adaleen. Alby and his wife, Lura, move the body to Idaho to the Henrickson's newly opened, but still under construction casino. Bill is able to prevent the FBI from finding Roman before he returns Roman's body to Juniper Creek for burial.
The season presents Bill with two challenges - his campaign for public office, and his growing rift with his eldest son, Ben. Bill seeks a seat in the Utah State Senate as part of a plan to legitimize The Principle - which faces renewed and widespread animosity from the public. Bill learns of Ben's growing attraction to Margene, and agrees that Ben should spend some time away from the house, which Ben interprets as being 'cast out' of the family. This shocks Bill's family, who recently discovered Bill's own criminal past after his exile, revealed to the public by Bill's political opponent. Bill must also grapple with Marilyn Densham (Sissy Spacek), a powerful and conniving lobbyist whom he likens to a common criminal.
The season also develops a plotline involving J.J. marrying Adaleen. At first resistant, Adaleen accepts being "sealed" to J.J. and soon after finds that she's pregnant. Nicki is told she's infertile, even when treated by J.J.'s son, a fertility specialist. Eventually, it is revealed that J.J. has been using eugenics and inbreeding on an isolated community in Kansas where he is a leader, and that Adaleen's pregnancy is the product of that program.
On the eve of elections, Barb unsuccessfully tries to sabotage Bill's potential win by leaking paternity report of Ana's child thus proving Bill's extramarital affair to the media. This brings the growing rift between Bill and Barb to fore, with Barb declaring that, unlike the previous twenty years, she does not feel the need for Bill any more. To avenge J.J.'s eugenics experiments on her family with in-vitro fertilization, Adaleen sets fire to a fertility clinic office where she has trapped J.J. Walker and his cancer-stricken wife. Season 4 ends with Bill winning the election for the Utah State Senate seat and revealing to an obviously uncomfortable public that he has a plural marriage with Barb, Nicki, and Margene.

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