<< x264HD Greek S04E09
Greek S04E09
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Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1.28 GB
Website http://www.nzbindex.nl/search/?q=&age=&max=250&g[]=687&sort=agedesc&minsize=&maxsize=&dq=&poster=teevee%404u.net+%28teevee%29&nfo=&hidespam=0&hidespam=1&more=1
Sender Bitfucker
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Post Description

Greek, an original series by creator Patrick Sean Smith, is a dramedy set at 
fictitious Cyprus-Rhodes University, which focuses on the social minefield
that is the Greek system. Viewers will see this unique cast of characters
navigate their way through this treacherous terrain as they try to find
their place at Cyprus-Rhodes University.

Shawn Piller and Lloyd Segan (who together produced Wildfire and The Dead
Zone) and Anne Kenney (Beautiful People, The Division) will serve as
executive producers. Gil Junger (10 Things I Hate About You, Kyle XY) directed
the pilot, which was written by creator/co-executive producer Sean Smith
(Summerland, Wildfire).

The ensemble cast includes Jacob Zachar as Rusty, Spencer Grammer as Casey,
Scott Michael Foster as Cappie, Jake McDorman as Evan, Clark Duke as Dale,
Dilshad Vadsaria as Rebecca, Paul James as Calvin and Amber Stevens as Ashleigh.

Post van Isaac.

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