<< NAV Garmin Topo Canada Ibycus v3.2 MapSource
Garmin Topo Canada Ibycus v3.2 MapSource
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Category Applications
PlatformNavigation systems
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://ibycus.com/ibycustopo/
Sender trevanian
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Post Description

Garmin Topo Canada Ibycus v3.2 MapSource (2010)

Created by Dale Atkin in Calgary. He's a full-time student. He's using the latest government databases for most of his data so the actual topographic data and some of the road data (depending on province) is much more up to date than Topo Canada. If you have ever used 1:50,000 federal or provincial topographic maps you'll be immediately familiar with what you see in these maps.
The data for these maps was sourced from the US Census Bureau's "TIGER" database (2007 First Edition). The detail is comparable (or in some cases greater than) the commercial Garmin maps.

Forum over Topo Canada Ibycus: forums.groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=174764&st=1000

commented earlier:

-Ingepakt, .RARs, 3400MB(68x50) + 10% PAR2
-Graag geen vragen of opmerkingen via FTD-mail! Reageer alleen hier bij de spot; dan kan iedereen meedenken en meepraten.

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