<< WIN Puremagnetik PM Mark One (Fender Rhodes Ableton)
Puremagnetik PM Mark One (Fender Rhodes Ableton)
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://www.puremagnetik.com/index.php?option=com_content&amp;task=view&amp;id=97&amp;Itemid=143
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In 1975 Fender Rhodes&#153; created the second incarnation their widely popular stage piano series. Having previously released the Fender Rhodes Mark I&#153; suitcase version with an 80W amp, Fender Rhodes went on to release the "Rhodes Mark I" now with plastic hammers and specifically modified to be played through a guitar and/or bass amplifier. Puremagnetik is proud to present the next instrument in their Vintage Electronic Piano line. Sampled more for its unique character and less for its perfection, the PM Mark One will bring a "flavor" all its own to the studio or stage. This Micropak includes a 73 key multisampled instrument and over 60 audio loops played by professional jazz, funk and R&B keyboardists.

Amp it Up!

The Ableton Live version of PM Mark One also includes 5 custom built amp and speaker emulations in Ableton Rack format.

Chazzus Amp
This jazzy amp highlights the bright attack of the hammered tines, while the chorus tone gives the sustaining notes a sense of motion.

Phansder Amp
A classic guitar amp with tough compression and gritty tube saturation feeding a colorful phaser to achieve a wet and dirty tone.

Taxi Trem Amp
Play some nice chords through this gentle tremolo amp and you're halfway to composing a 1970's television theme song.

Wowow Amp
This talking amp uses light compression, and a sensitive wah pedal effect to create a very dynamic and expressive sound. The wah pedal is also synchronized to rock back and forth in tempo.

Echo Amp
A simulated tape delay inserted after the amp and cabinet model. Increasing the feedback will also raise the filter frequency to avoid overloading the upper mids.

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