<< HD Oth Dancing Bear - The Strip show of Her Life
Dancing Bear - The Strip show of Her Life
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Category Image
FormatHD other
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://dancingbear.com
Sender Alex De Lange
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

Some girls go all out for any old birthday. Like these girls, and talking to most of them actually got there boyfriends to pay for the party that was no guys allowed, except for our buff ass strippers of course. I would almost be ashamed of accepting the cash if I wasn't having such good time watching these girls whore out all over the guys, and these chicks spent some cash on this shit too. They rented a bar with the liquor included. Got snacks catered, I mean they actually got a band! Whatever, it's free money for them to spend cheating on their men, but what should I care about there loose morals when I am exploiting it, right?

Dancing Bear: mannelijke strippers + losgeslagen vrouwen = altijd party

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