Post Description
4438 - Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey Circus (US)
Taal: English
Genre: Dierengames
Volgens NDS game release list (Romulation en GBAtemp).
(game + cover)
Rar-bestanden: 1
Par-bestanden: 7 (= 100% ; indien Rar beschadigd of zelfs geheel afwezig, Rar dus volledig aan te maken / te repareren)
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Friends: Asian Elephants is a baby animal simulation game. In it players take on the duties of caring for a baby Indian elephant. Not only will players train their new friend, but they will also tend to his/her medical, feeding, cleanliness and even its mental well-being as they establish a bond with their pachyderm through more than 15 play activities.
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