<< MP3 Instrumental Guitars 5 CD's
Instrumental Guitars 5 CD's
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Date 2 years, 2 months
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Instrumental Guitars 5 CD's

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CD 1[/B]
01. Twistarella.mp3
02. Preghero (Stand By Me).mp3
03. Ginchy.mp3
04. Adagio D'Albinoni.mp3
05. Prends La Caravelle.mp3
06. Les Feuilles Mortes.mp3
07. Le Dahu.mp3
08. The Enchanted Sea.mp3
09. Galaxie.mp3
10. Cavalcade Sidérale.mp3
11. Spatial Slow.mp3
12. Les Martiens Arrivent.mp3
13. Chris-Craft.mp3
14. Cité Sous La Mer.mp3
15. Globule, Le Phoque.mp3
16. Neptune.mp3
17. Aranjuez.mp3
18. Sixties Devotion.mp3
19. Distant Univers.mp3
20. John Watking.mp3

CD 2
01. Tonight.mp3
02. Tuxedo Twist.mp3
03. Whistle Down The Wind.mp3
04. You Are My Sunshine.mp3
05. Diggedle Boeing.mp3
06. The Ice Cream Man.mp3
07. Polaris.mp3
08. Bleak House.mp3
09. For My Good Fortune.mp3
10. More (Où Etes-Vous).mp3
11. Wigwam.mp3
12. Jumpin'.mp3
13. Tram.mp3
14. Tovarich.mp3
15. Bleak House.mp3
16. Drunken Sailor.mp3
17. High Noon.mp3
18. How High The Moon.mp3
19. Jingle, Jangle, Jingle.mp3
20. Tavern In The Town.mp3
21. Crazy Rhythm.mp3
22. Summertime.mp3
23. F.B.I..mp3
24. Tonight.mp3
25. How HIgh The Moon (long version).mp3

CD 3
01. Cyclone.mp3
02. Baya.mp3
03. Caravelle.mp3
04. Youpie Yé.mp3
05. 7,65.mp3
06. Thierry La Fronde.mp3
07. Indicatif.mp3
08. Monika.mp3
09. Doodle's Bags.mp3
10. Just Doodle.mp3
11. Blue Doodle.mp3
12. Always Doodling.mp3
13. Le Vol Du Bourdon.mp3
14. Tu Dis N'Importe Quoi.mp3
15. Nous, On Est Dans Le Vent.mp3
16. Chevauchée Du Diable.mp3
17. Le Sang Du Soleil.mp3
18. Paris Après Minuit.mp3
19. Natacha.mp3
20. Little Buffalo.mp3

CD 4
01. Maria Elena.mp3
02. Ternura.mp3
03. Jungle Dream.mp3
04. Pajaro Campana.mp3
05. Rebel Rouser.mp3
06. Les Joies Du Monde.mp3
07. Golden Twist.mp3
08. Tulsa Twist.mp3
09. Palpitations.mp3
10. Réacteurs (What's All That About).mp3
11. Suspenses.mp3
12. Tout Sauf Une Rose.mp3
13. March Of The Eagles.mp3
14. Exodus.mp3
15. Bristol Express.mp3
16. Johnny's Tune.mp3
17. Come On Baby.mp3
18. The Lonely Bull.mp3
19. The Desperados.mp3
20. Scarlett O'Hara.mp3

CD 5
01. Guitar Boogie.mp3
02. Peter Gunn.mp3
03. Honky Tonk.mp3
04. Premier Rendez-Vous.mp3
05. Denter Fender.mp3
06. Weepin' Willow Twist.mp3
07. Texas Twist.mp3
08. A Maiden's Prayer.mp3
09. Teddy Bear.mp3
10. Heartbreak Hotel.mp3
11. Wear My Ring Around Your Neck.mp3
12. Blue Suede Shoes.mp3
13. Drums.mp3
14. Hully Gully Limonad.mp3
15. Thème Du Lac Des Cygnes.mp3
16. Le Neghev.mp3
17. La Main Du Diable.mp3
18. Rinky Dink.mp3
19. Sur La Plage.mp3
20. 1-2-3-4.mp3
21. Twin Cut Outs.mp3
22. Night Rod.mp3
23. Flash Falcon.mp3
24. Woody Walk.mp3

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