Post Description
Onslaught provides an enjoyable single player experience. It has lots of unique features and is really fun to play. The Story Mode has a great deal of replay value due to its five difficulty settings and different ranks to achieve. The game really excels on-line and co-op is pretty much flawless. There is no lag to be found and the matchmaking is fast and without issues. Hudson has even provided online leaderboards on their website which should keep score freaks happy. The FPS genre is a perfect fit for the Wii, but due to the file size limit on WiiWare we never expected to see a downloadable one. Hudson has achieved the unthinkable and created an original and entertaining Japanese developed FPS which comes as a great surprise. This is a must-download for fans of the FPS genre, for only 1000 Wii points it is a real bargain.
Score 9/10
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