<< WIN Lynda com: After Effects Apprentice Basic Animation<br />
Lynda com: After Effects Apprentice Basic Animation<br />
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After Effects Apprentice Basic Animation (c)Lynda.com                Size ..... : 33 x 15MB    Packager . : QUASAR       Type ..... : Brain Enhancement               Date ..... : 01-27-2011   OS ....... : Win/Mac After Effects Apprentice Basic AnimationAuthor: Chris Meyer and Trish MeyerTrish Meyer leads beginners through a gentle introductionto Adobe After Effects: from creating a new project andimporting sources, through arranging and animating layers,applying effects, and creating variations, to renderingthe final movie. However, this is no paint-by-numbersexercise. Trish demonstrates how she makes creativedecisions and saves time through the use of keyboardshortcuts and smart working practices. Additional moviesexplain further details about how After Effects works underthe hood. Her measured pace helps even those completely newto After Effects understand the program so that they canuse it effectively on their own projects. Exercise files are included with the course.The After Effects Apprentice video lessons on lynda.com aredesigned to be used on their own or as a companion to Trishand Chris Meyer&#146;s acclaimed tutorial book, After EffectsApprentice.Topics include:* Starting a project from scratch* Building a composition* Arranging and transforming layers interactively  and numerically* Animating parameters including motion paths* Applying and re-using effects* Creating variations and rendering the final movie* Importing layered Photoshop files* Understanding alpha channels* Avoiding common mistakes ú

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