<< WinPh F-Secure Mobile Security (Android)
F-Secure Mobile Security (Android)
This spot is not verified, the name of the sender has not been confirmed
Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
GenreAntivirus software
GenreSecurity software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 3.25 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=F-Secure+Mobile+Security+%28Android%29
Sender SabreTooth
Tag AndroidSymbianWindowsmobile        
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

Antivirus free offer, F-secure is also giving away 5000 licenses of  F-Secure Mobile Security for free. 
But these Licenses provides $20 worth 6 months subscription of F-Secure Mobile Security for free.

F-Secure Mobile Security is a complete security solution for your smartphone.
It includes anti-virus, anti-spyware, a firewall and a remote control anti-theft feature for protection Smartphone and pocket PC.
F-Secure combines antivirus protection with a firewall to protect your smartphone from viruses, worms, trojans, and other mobile malwares.

Key Features

* Complete security solution for smartphones with automatic updates
* Safeguards your personal and confidential data
* Identifies dangerous websites and protects your identity online
* Locates your lost or stolen phone, or the person holding it
* Protects against viruses and other malware

Supported OS :
F-Secure Mobile Security supports all major mobile operating systems including Symbian, Android and Windows Mobile platforms.

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